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"HIS STORY" - unprovoked daytime assault of 2 older Asian men

5 hours at VGH  after daylight unprovoked assault, near Metrotown, Burnaby -   by man loudly saying CHINA ..China... China ... results in fractures in face profuse bleeding from nose cut and chipped teeth

The photo to the left shows the results after 5 hours at Vancouver General Hospital Emergency Dept. for treatment to stop bleeding and scans to the head after a daylight unprovoked assault, near Metrotown, Burnaby 6 and 1/2 hours earlier.

We were assaulted by man loudly saying  "CHINA …. CHINA…   resulting in fractures in face, profuse bleeding from nose cut and chipped teeth of the man in the photo.  I suffered a injured shoulder.

The injured man was in his 50s and I was in my 70s during this incident.  We were standing by my parked car in a parking lot a few feet from the sidewalk.

Initially we thought the man heading towards us, down the street was chanting some sort of “rap” . But as we turned around to hear/see him more clearly, he was literally only about 4 feet away and swinging a metal stick over his head.  He struck this writer on his back shoulder, which caused me to turn and fall against my car. When I turned around and straightened up I saw that my friend was flat on his back on the ground after being struck.

A nearby group of seniors and children who witnessed the attacks on the two men - were traumatized.

scene where 2 older Asian, Chinese Canadian men were beaten to ground by anti-asian attacker

April 11, 2021:  random racist attack by man in cap that knocked one man to ground and fractured his facial bones, severe bleeding from face cut and swollen face for weeks.

The other older senior suffered a injured shoulder - as he was able to turn away as he was being hit with assailant's whirling metal weapon. Both were men were examined and treated at Vancouver General Hospital Emergency Department.

The Jiaozi.com food booth was at the first BC Dumpling Festival on August 13, 2022. 11am to 8pm at Town Centre Park, Coquitlam, B.C.

Go to www.bcdumplingfest.com for details of this gala food sampler of all sorts of dumplings.


  • Jiaozi.com HOME PAGE

  • Asian Seniors' Caregivers

  • His Story: anti-Asian attack

  • Jiaozi.com Volunteers at B.C. Dumpling Festival

  • Introduction to making "bao" dumplings with friends - to raise awareness of anti-Asian & crime victims and their caregivers support needs.

    CTV news picture of Jiaozi.com volunteers making dumplings for the BC Dumpling Festival on Aug. 13, 2022 - video news fr Angela Jung, journalist
    the above screen capture is from CTV News story by Angela Jung, journalist, online at bc.ctvnews.ca /b-c-s-first-dumpling-festival-bridges-cultures-through-food-1.6025855

    Fund raising for victims of anti-Asian attacks