"The BC Dumpling Festival is a newer event that celebrates multiculturalism with different types of dumplings and entertainment in Coquitlam's Town Centre Park."
(Photo of Jiaozi.com sample dumplings used in 2023 and 2024 promoting BC Dumpling Festival)
CBC KIDS NEWS May 23, 2024
Aria Law, 16, from Burnaby, B.C., makes bao buns to promote awareness of anti-Asian racism. www.cbc.ca/ kidsnews/ post/profile-this-b.c-teen-makes-cute-bao-buns-to-fight-anti-asian-racism
Go to the webpage and see the interview of Aria by India McAlister, Associate Producer, CBC Kids News, based in Toronto, Ontario)
Bots and Buns Festival - Sept. 2023 at Nikkei Centre, Burnaby, B.C.
B.C. Government Multiculturalism and Anti-Racism Awards - March 2023
news.gov.bc.ca/ releases/ 2023AG 0019-000356Aria Law is a 15-year-old student from Burnaby who won the Emerging Youth Leader Award for her work to address hate targeted at racialized seniors in her neighbourhood. By selling bao buns with anti-racism messages through social media, she was able to help local seniors and young people find a common ground. As part of her award, Law will receive a $5,000 grant for the charity of her choice, the Canada Caring Community Alliance, which is a non-profit organization that works with racialized seniors in Burnaby.
“I am so grateful and humbled to be part of the awards ceremony and among other leaders in the anti-racism space. Racism hurts and we can call it out together,” said Law. “I hope that my experience encourages more youth to show kindness, patience and love to Asian seniors who have been harmed.”
Click for more photos from Abbotsford Food Taste Market
GLOBAL NEWS August 13, 2022
see Global news video "Food is bringing people together in Coquitlam at the first ever BC Dumpling Festival, an event sparked by the rise in anti-Asian hate and crime during the COVID-19 pandemic." Global BC Community reporter Michael Newman has more. globalnews.ca/ video/ 9058965/ coquitlam-celebrates-first-ever-bc-dumpling-festival
SING TAO NEWS - May 23, 2024
Go to Sing Tao online article at
singtao.ca /5961879/ 2022-08-12/ ... zh-cn
(article was put online on August 12, 2022)
高贵林明办饺子节 盼促进交流消除歧视
Coquitlam holds Dumpling Festival tomorrow to promote exchanges and eliminate discrimination [English translation of above Chinese text]
首届卑诗饺子节将于周六(13日)上午11时至晚上8时,在高贵林中央公园(Town Centre Park )举行,主办方希望透过世界各地不同的“饺子”美食文化,将各族裔连结起来,促进多元化交流,从而消灭社区存在的种族歧视及仇恨。除了来自不同文化的饺子外,美食节摊主亦会提供烧卖、面包、Perogies、馄饨等点心小吃。
由亚洲艺术和文化协会(Asian Arts and Culture Society)主办的卑诗饺子节,周六将在高贵林中央公园设有美食卡车、儿童游区、艺术展览、以及现场表演。
CTV NATIONAL NEWS - Source CTV Calgary - August 14, 2022
Article by Angela Jung
Go to on line copy of this article at
bc.ctvnews.ca /b-c-s-first-dumpling-festival-bridges-cultures-through-food-1.6025855
B.C. dumpling festival inspired by racist incident from CTV News pdf copy download pdf copy of this CTV news report
CTV NEWS VANCOUVER - Published Aug. 12, 2022
Article by Angela Jung
Go to on line copy of this article at
bc.ctvnews.ca /b-c-s-first-dumpling-festival-bridges-cultures-through-food-1.6025855
B.C. dumpling festival inspired by racist incident from CTV News pdf copy download pdf copy of this CTV news report
Making "jiaozi", aka "bao", dumplings with friends to raise awareness of anti-Asian racist discrimination & violent attacks on seniors.
Our video below shares messages in English, French, Japanese, Hindi, Mandarin & Cantonese
Follow Us On Instagram
instagram.com/ jiaozi_official/ ?igshid=ND
Volunteer teens & seniors at BC Dumpling Festivals, 2024, 2023 & 2022
Singing "OH CANADA", in English & French
at banquet of Vancouver Chinese Elderly Citizens Association
Burnaby Mayor Mike Hurley and many City Council members - present recognition certificates to volunteer servers, performers and organizers of Bots & Buns Festival held at the Nikkei Cultural Centre in Burnaby